Monday, April 8, 2013



In a battle to implement controls in the underground economy, WSIB Mandatory Coverage is here in Ontario for the Construction Sector. What does this mean for the industry - extention of compulsory coverage for independent operators, partners and executive officers of companies that work in the construction sector.

This change will increase revenues by $1.5 to $2.5 billion to federal and provincial governments. Worker safety will be increased through regulatory governance of independent contractors verses employee contracts by reducing the number of Construction Companies that classify workers as independant contractors.

This change does however come with some exemptions. If you are an independent operator and you work solely in the home renovation business you are exempt from having to pay into WSIB. It is recommended that you apply for this exemption and get a letter in writing that you are within an exempt group.

To understand further how the exemptions worka, go to: WSIB - FAQ- Mandatory Coverage in Construction

This change took affect January 1, 2013 for the following in the construction sector:
•independent operators,
•sole proprietors,
•partners in partnerships and
•executive officers in corporations.

Although many independent operators may have private coverage, this does not exempt you from the new WSIB mandatory coverage in Ontario.

Don't wait until you are audited. Call them today to find out if you are exempt and request an exemption letter be sent to you.

Lynne Bard, BA (Honours), C.H.R.P., CES
Human Resources, Safety & Risk Management Experts
Taking the Complexity out of Compliance
Beyond Rewards Inc.
Phone: 519-821-7440
Cell: 519-830-7480

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