Monday, July 29, 2013

Life Transitions

Life’s Transitions
In our lives, we are faced with many challenges- mountains to climb (the hurdles in our lives), changes to face with excitement or fears – (growing up, moving on, new job, new career, children leaving home….) losses of plenty throughout our lives – (whether it be a family member or friend, job loss, loss of pride, loss of home) and as we grow older loss of ability may be faced by many.  These are some of the obstacles in the transition of life that we face.  Many of these challenges make us stronger, wiser and build the confidence we need to move on and face them with a type of vigor that you never knew you had. 
In the face of change we may dread the not knowing – the fear of the unknown, but once we have faced the challenge, dealt with the loss and tackle the obstacles, the hurdle no longer appears to be the impossible.  This is the case of so many over the past few years through the recession.  On top of the everyday challenges we face, many dreams were shattered, many plans for ones future were changed, many losses were faced by those who lost their jobs and had to look at new careers or find new jobs doing what they know how to do in a different setting. 
Many people went through the 2nd Careers program that the Ontario Government offered, only to find that the courses they were encouraged to take was not a wise move for them. Jobs were not there; wages were too low; the hope of the new transition in a time in their lives that change should not have been a decision they had to make – failed.  Many of these individuals went back to school again, incurring debt this time to enhance what they knew and reenter the workforce with an education they previously did not need in their field; others tried to start their own businesses – many of them finding the pressures of sales and a low economy too much to bear and as we drew out of the recession and jobs presented themselves, they moved back into the workforce once again.
Are we clear of the changes that face us due to a poor economy?  If you listen to the news, you would say no we are not.   There are more changes to come they say.  This is true because life is full of change – planned and unplanned, exciting and frightening, devastating and enhancing.  It is how we deal with change that affects each and every one of us differently. 
If you are unsure of what to do in the face of change – ask for assistance!  If you lose your job and don’t know where to turn – seek out a career specialist that can guide you in your choices.  If you want to start your own business, turn to the centre in your area that offers courses and guidance in starting your own business – Business Enterprise Centre’s, Innovation Centre’s, Chambers of Commerce to name a few.  If you have your own business and want to plan your retirement – speak to a succession planning specialist to assist with the transition.   If it is life’s personal challenges you face – turn to a friend, your family or a specialist to help guide you through the challenges you face. 
You do not have to face change alone – seek out those around you.  Embrace change and face it!    Live life to the fullest!
Lynne Bard, BA (Honours), C.H.R.P., CES
Human Resources, Safety & Risk Management Experts
Taking the Complexity out of Compliance
Beyond Rewards Inc.
Phone: 519-821-7440
Cell: 519-830-7480

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