Monday, September 30, 2013

Do's and Don'ts of Firing

Tip 1: Get Help: Utilize the Backing of your Organization
Tip 2: Plan the Logistics: Where, When, How Long, Etc.
Tip 3: Expect the Unexpected
Tip 4: Prepare Yourself Emotionally
Tip 5: Control the Interview
Tip 6: Give Clear Explanations
Tip 7: Be Professional
Tip 8: Respond to the Employee as a Person
Tip 9: Congratulate Yourself: Review your Performance and Move on
Tip 10: Some Do’s and Don’ts
·        Terminate in the first ten minutes of the conversation. Avoid a long build-up to soften the blow because this will often only confuse and cloud the message.
·        Be clear and answer questions. Make sure the employee understands that they’re being terminated. Once you’ve explained the situation, let the employee ask questions.
·        Let your employee respond. Let the employee speak their mind. Acknowledge any valid points and tell the employee that you appreciate their input and candidness.
·        End on a positive note. Thank the employee for their contributions and wish them luck in the future. When the meeting is over, stand up and shake their hand.
·        Expect the best out of yourself, this situation, and the response of the employee.
·        Rehearse what you will say and how you conduct the meeting if possible.
·        Put yourself in the employee’s shoes, then do what you feel is right.
·        Specify clearly why the employee is being terminated and the effective date and time of the termination.
·        Inform the employee of any rights or entitlements that they may have coming.
·        Ensure the return of any property that is the employers.
·        Cover all areas of security, including computer passwords, access to company property or data, and physical security of the job site and other employees.
·        Ask the employee if he or she understands the reasons for the termination.
·        Focus your discussion on performance related issues.
·        Arrange for the employee to remove personal effects in private.
·        If possible, offer the employee an opportunity to resign.
·        Document the termination conference.

·        Don’t give employees false hope and say you’ll help them find a job.
·        Don’t say, “I’m sure you’re not going to have any trouble.
·        Don’t pass the buck and say this firing was not your idea.
·        Don’t give platitudes and say, “you’ll feel better when you sleep on it.”
·        Don’t say, “I feel really bad about this.” Saying these things only makes the situation worse.
·        Don’t get defensive.
·        Don’t interrupt, contradict or try to defend yourself or the company. Arguing will only create resentment and frustration on the part of the employee.
·        Don’t assess blame or make apologies. There’s no reason to blame the employee or the company for the termination. Just explain that the company’s needs don’t match the employee’s particular skills.
·        Don’t apologize, you can express regret that the employment relationship didn’t work out, but don’t apologize.
·        Don’t debate with the employee. Give honest answers, but don’t debate.
·        Don’t make value judgments or attempt to analyze the reasons for dismissal. Cite the reasons briefly and factually.
·        Don’t take responsibility for the failure. You may want to simply express regret that the opportunity did not work out.
·        Don’t use words like “incompetent” or “dishonest”. Focus on performance.
·        Don’t offer advice. Listen respectfully, but don’t offer advice or recriminations.
·        Don’t discuss the termination with anyone other than the employee and those directly involved.

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